Infrastructure Development (ID) Scheme of the Ministry of Water Resources, RD & GR has been approved by the Government by merging following four continuing schemes:
During the previous plan period (2012-17), a total of Rs. 246.26 Crore (Rs. 216.26 Crore for Land & Building and Rs. 30 Crore for IT component) has been approved.
CWC - Land & Building:- During the previous plan period, 10 projects of CWC were approved at the total outlay of Rs. 115.0 Crore. Out of these, three projects were completed and rest are continuing.
CWC - Land & Building:- 10 projects of CGWB were also approved during the previous plan period with the total outlay of Rs. 101.26 Crore, out of which two are completed.
CGWB - Information Technology:- Under IT plan of CGWB, it has been envisaged to establish an enterprise-wise, unified, single window web based system wherein a centralized repository of data, documents, work flow and knowledge would be created using Internet and Warehousing Technologies/Tools and applications. Unified/Consolidated and centralized repository along with associated applications would realize the concept of the “paper-less” office.
The National e-Governance Plan (NeGP) of Government of India seeks to lay the foundation and provide the impetus for long-term growth of e-Governance within the country. This is also being envisaged under the ambit of Digital India programme initiated by Government of India. The Plan seeks to create the right governance and institutional mechanism, set up the core infrastructure and policies. The outcome of e-Governance plan under ID Scheme will be
In order to realize the above outcomes during the previous Plan period, following major e-Governance initiatives have been taken:-