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Development of Water Resources Information System (other than RMIS)

The project “Generation of Database and Implementation of Web Enabled Water Resources Information System in the Country” short named as India-WRIS WebGIS is a joint venture of the Central Water Commission (CWC), Ministry of Water Resources, Govt. of India and Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), Department of Space, Govt. of India, as per the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signed on December 3, 2008 between the two departments for a period of four years - January 2009 to December 2012 and has been extended till December, 2015.

India-WRIS WebGIS aims as a ‘Single Window’ solution for comprehensive, authoritative and consistent data & information of India’s water resources along with allied natural resources in a standardized national GIS framework (WGS-84 datum and LCC projection) tools to search, access, visualize, understand and analyze the data for assessment, monitoring, planning, development and finally Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM).

The data collection, generation and presentation into the portal are continuous activities. The current version India-WRIS WebGIS (Version 4.1) has spatial layers and attributes as per data collected till July 2015. Further updating the attribute data and presentation are being done by the India-WRIS Project Team. These data have been collected from concerned state Govt. departments, CWC offices and Govt. of India departments and are organized in this portal.

Based on the type of data and its availability, the present portal contains 12 major info systems, 35 sub info systems having 95 spatial layers along with large attribute data of the water resources assets and temporal data of 5-100 years. Based on the National Map Policy (2005) and CWC data dissemination policy, the portal has two versions. The public domain version complies with both policy guidelines.

The India-WRIS WebGIS portal (Version 4.1) has been designed looking at the variety of users and their requirements. It has six major sections on the left panel such as WRIS Info Discovery, WRIS Explorer, WRIS Connect, Share Success Stories, Water Resources Planning and Management and Input Data Builder.

The next versions will be enriched further with modules like 3D Geo-visualization, direct link to current hydro met observations, hydrology tools for online analysis and WRIS education.

The project website, India-WRIS WebGIS Version 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 and 4.0 were launched on December 10, 2009, December 7, 2010, March 22, 2012 , December 4,2012 and March 28, 2014 respectively. However, the updation of spatial and temporal coverage of the existing Version 4.1 is a continuous process, and will be made available to users as per the generation and readiness.