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Viewing Information in Various File Formats

The information provided by this Web site is available in various file formats, such as Portable Document Format (PDF), Word, Excel and PowerPoint. To view the information properly, your browser need to have the required plug-ins or software. For example, the Adobe Flash software is required to view the Flash files. In case your system does not have this software, you can download it from the Internet for free. The table lists the required plug-ins needed to view the information in various file formats. Plug-in for alternate document types

Viewing Information in Various File Formats

Document Type Plug-in for Download
Portable Document Format (PDF) files pdfAdobe Acrobat Reader
Convert a PDF file online into HTML or text format
Word files wordWord Viewer (in any version till 2003)
Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack for Word (for 2007 version)
Excel files excelExcel Viewer 2003 (in any version till 2003)
Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack for Excel (for 2007 version)
PowerPoint presentations power pointPowerPoint Viewer 2003 (in any version till 2003)
Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack for PowerPoint (for 2007 version)
Flash content flash playerAdobe Flash Player

Accessibility Help

Use the accessibility options provided by this Web site to control the screen display. These options allow changing the text size and color scheme for clear visibility and better readability.

Changing the Text Size

Changing the size of the text refers to making the text appearing Large or Small from its standard size. There are Three options provided to you to set the size of the text that affect readability. These are:

  • Small: Displays information in a font size smaller than the standard font size.
  • Medium: Displays information in a standard font size, which is the default size.
  • Large: Displays information in a font size larger than the standard font size.

The website allows you to change the text size by clicking on the text size icons present at the top of each page.

Following different options are provided in the form of icons which are available on the top of each page:

  •  Decrease text size Decrease text size:Allows to decrease the text size.
  • Increase text size: Normal text size: Allows to set default text size
  • Normal text size Increase text size:Allows to increase the text size.

To change the text size using the Accessibility Options page:

  1. Select Accessibility Options. The Accessibility Options page is displayed.
  2. From the Text Size section, select the appropriate text size.
  3. Click Apply.

Change Content Language

  • हिंदी: By clicking on this link, user will be able to see the contents in hindi.
  • English: This link displays the contents in english.

Help on search facility

Using the Search Facility

  • Simple search will be available on home page from where user can search on basis of content and keyword.
  • Specific search is given on specific pages with the functionality of searching with Keywords, location, title, subject etc.

Searching Tips

  • When searching, don't enter plural forms such as "press releases" because the server will only find documents with releases (plural) in the title or keywords. If you enter release (singular), the server will list entries with both release and releases.
  • All searches are case-insensitive. That is, words are looked for regardless of capitalization.

Screen Reader Access

The National Website of India fully complies with Guidelines for Indian Government Websites. Our visitors with visual impairments can access the Portal using Assistive Technologies, such as screen readers.

The information of the Website is accessible with different screen readers, such as JAWS, NVDA, SAFA, Supernova and Window-Eyes.

Following table lists the information about different screen readers:

Information related to the various screen readers

Screen Reader Access

Screen Reader Website Free / Commercial
Screen Access For All (SAFA)   Free
Non Visual Desktop Access (NVDA) Free
System Access To Go Free
Thunder Free
WebAnywhere Free
Hal Commercial
JAWS Commercial
Supernova Commercial
Window-Eyes Commercial