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CADWM Programme

  • The Command Area Development & Water Management (CADWM) Program was started as a Centrally Sponsored Scheme in the year 1974-75 with the objective to bridge the gap between irrigation potential created and utilized. All CAD works are planned, designed, tendered and executed by the State Governments through its pertinent Departments.
  • The main objective of taking up CAD works is to enhance utilisation of irrigation potential created, and improve agriculture production on a sustainable basis through Participatory Irrigation Management (PIM). In order to promote water use efficiency in irrigation, the CADWM programme has also been targeting at least 10% of the Culturable Command Area (CCA) of the included projects for development of micro-irrigation infrastructure for facilitating use of sprinkler/ drip/ pivots irrigation systems. In addition, the scheme also promotes use of underground pipeline network (UGPN) because of their greater acceptability by the farmers (on account of savings of land); long durability of structure ; ease of control and discipline; adaptability (through pumping) for undulating land; establishment of first right by tail-end users; and prevention of pilferage.
  • The activities covered under CADWM component of a Project are broadly categorized as 'Structural' and 'Non-Structural'. The Structural Interventions under CADWM Program are directed at bringing hydraulic connectivity to the tail-end farms through greater penetration of linedfieldchannels.The Non-Structural Intervention of CADWM Program aims at strengthening of Participatory Irrigation Management (PIM) in canal irrigated command.It envisages creation of Water User Association (WUAs) and their capacity building through trainings and field demonstrations.
  • The Program has been brought under the Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojna (PMKSY) from 2015-16 onwards. With the new scheme of Prioritized AIBP Projects approved by Cabinet in July 2016, CADWM works have been restricted to 99 prioritized AIBP projects.Out of 99 prioritized projects, 8 projects are not proposed by States for inclusion under CADWM program. Three projects have not been included as their DPRs are not submitted by States, while one project is included for Non- Structural intervention only. As of now, 88 projects (including 1 project for non-structural intervention) have been included under CADWM program targeting balance Culturable Command Area (CCA) of 45 lakh hectares.
  • The assessment of progress of ongoing CAD Projects is done through monitoring visits undertaken by CWC field offices (CAD Cells) and by Project Monitoring Unit (PMU) established in the Ministry in respect of Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojna (PMKSY). Progress of projects is also monitored through online CADWM-Information System portal.Progress of Implementation of Projects is also reviewed periodically through ‘Project Implementation Review Committee (PIRC)’. Periodical reviews of Program implementation is also undertaken by Hon’ble Minister (Jal Shakti) and Secretary (DoWR,RD&GR).
  • Detailed information on the program is available on CADWM portal (