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Minor Irrigation Statistics Wing


Core activities at various level

Wing Level

  1. Implementation of Centrally sponsored Plan Scheme ‘Rationalization of Minor Irrigation Statistics (RMIS) with 100% central funding.
  2. Conduct of Census of Minor Irrigation Schemes on quinquennial basis and ad-hoc methodological studies;
  3. Supply of information pertaining to Minor Irrigation to various Divisions of the Ministry, Niti Aayog, Central Water Commission, Central Ground Water Board etc.;
  4. To review the performance of Statistical Cell created in different States/UT’s under RMIS scheme and release of funds for their continuation;
  5. Release/revalidation of grants in aid to States/UT’s for conduct of Census and Sample Survey of MI schemes;
  6. Collection of Quarterly Progress Report on development of Minor Irrigation from different States/UTs scrutiny of data and finalization of All India/State wise figure relating to potential created/utilized in respect of Minor Irrigation Schemes;
  7. Sample check of the data collected in the Census/Sample Survey of Minor Irrigation Schemes by States/UT’s;
  8. Render technical advice to different divisions/organization on statistical issues including compilation and analysis of data and Publication.


  1. Implementation of Centrally sponsored Plan scheme ‘Rationalisation of Minor Irrigation Statistics (RMIS) with 100% central funding.
  2. Release of fund for continuation of Statistical Cell in States /-UTs under RMIS scheme.
  3. Release/ revalidation of grants- in- aid to States /UTs for conduct of Census and Sample Survey of MI Scheme.
  4. Conduct of Census of Minor Irrigation Schemes in various States/UTs on quinquennial basis.
  5. Supervision of preparation of Budget Estimates (BE),Revised Estimates, Monthly expenditure Statement, Outcome Budget etc.
  6. Supply of information pertaining to Minor Irrigation Statistics to various Divisions of the Ministry, RTI, Parliament Matters, NITI Aayog, Central Water Commission, Central Ground Water Board, etc.
  7. Discharge of responsibilities as Appellate Authority for RTI matters.


  1. Supervision of all technical matters relating to conduct of MI Census, including liaison with NIC.
  2. Collection of Quarterly Progress Report on development of Minor Irrigation from different States/ UTs. Scrutiny of data and finalisation of All India/ State wise figures relating to potential created/ utilized in respect of Minor Irrigation Schemes.
  3. Collection of Quarterly Progress Report on Institutional finance for the development of Minor Irrigation Sector and compilation of figures relating to State/ All India an Institutional Finance.
  4. To review the performance of Statistical Cells created in different States/ UTs under RMIS scheme.
  5. Sample check of data collected in the Census/ Sample Survey of Minor Irrigation Schemes by States/ UTs.
  6. Conduct of ad-hoc methodological studies and Sample Survey on Status of Minor Irrigation Schemes, analytical studies on Minor Irrigation.
  7. Rendering technical advice to different divisions/ organizations(CWC,CGWB etc.) on statistical issues including compilation & analysis of data and Publication.